How To Remove Scratches From Sunglasses

Sunglasses are more than mere fashion accessories; they are guardians of our eyes, shielding them from the sun’s harsh rays. Over time, however, scratches can become an unwelcome companion, detracting from both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your favorite shades. Fear not, as we embark on an in-depth exploration of effective techniques on how to expertly remove scratches from your beloved sunglasses.

Decoding the Anatomy of Sunglasses

Before delving into the world of scratch removal, it is essential to understand the anatomy of sunglasses. Lenses are crafted from various materials, including polycarbonate, glass, and plastic. Recognizing the composition of your sunglasses is crucial for selecting the most suitable scratch removal method. Each material demands a tailored approach to ensure effective scratch removal without causing further damage.

Prevention is the Best Policy

Prevention is always better than cure. Before exploring scratch removal techniques, it is crucial to adopt preventive measures. Always use a protective case when your sunglasses are not in use, and regularly clean them with a microfiber cloth to prevent unnecessary scratches. A proactive approach can significantly extend the life of your sunglasses and minimize the need for intensive scratch removal methods.

Understanding Scratch Severity

Scratches on sunglasses vary in severity. Some are superficial, while others may be deeper and more noticeable. Before attempting any scratch removal method, it is essential to assess the extent of the damage. Minor scratches may respond well to gentler methods, while deeper scratches may require more intensive solutions. A careful evaluation will guide you in selecting the most appropriate technique for your specific situation.


Unveiling the Magic of Toothpaste and Baking Soda

Toothpaste Technique:   

Toothpaste, particularly non-gel variants, has proven to be effective in removing minor scratches. To apply this method, place a small amount of toothpaste on the scratched area, gently rub with a soft cotton ball, and then wipe clean. Repeat the process if necessary, and you may witness a significant reduction in the visibility of the scratches.

Baking Soda Paste:   

For plastic lenses with minor scratches, a baking soda paste can work wonders. Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water, apply it to the scratched area using a soft cloth, rub gently in circular motions, and then rinse thoroughly. This method is known to be effective in reducing the appearance of scratches on plastic lenses.

Commercial Scratch Removers: PolyWatch and Brasso


PolyWatch, designed initially for plastic watch crystals, is also a popular choice for removing scratches from plastic sunglasses lenses. Applying the PolyWatch cream, rubbing it in circular motions, and then wiping it clean can significantly diminish the visibility of moderate scratches. This commercial scratch remover offers a specialized solution for plastic lenses.


Brasso, a metal polish renowned for its scratch removal capabilities, can also be employed on sunglasses. Apply a small amount of Brasso to the scratched area, rub gently, and wipe clean. However, exercise caution when using Brasso on coated lenses, as it may remove the protective coating.

Harnessing the Power of Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

 Lemon Juice:   

The natural acidity of lemon juice makes it a potential ally in reducing the appearance of scratches on glass lenses. Apply a small amount of lemon juice to the scratched area, rub gently, and then rinse thoroughly. This method is particularly suitable for addressing minor scratches on glass surfaces.

Olive Oil:   

Olive oil, with its nourishing properties, can be used to diminish the visibility of scratches. Apply a small amount of olive oil to the scratched area, rub gently, and then wipe clean. This method is versatile and suitable for both plastic and glass lenses.

A Last Resort for Stubborn Scratches

For deep and stubborn scratches that resist DIY solutions, professional repair services can be a saving grace. Many optical shops offer specialized services such as lens replacement or resurfacing. While this option may incur additional costs, it ensures that your sunglasses are restored to their original condition by experts who understand the intricacies of different lens materials.

Post-Repair Care and Maintenance

Successfully removing scratches from your sunglasses is just the first step. Implementing post-repair care and maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity of your shades. Avoid using abrasive materials for cleaning, and always store your sunglasses in a protective case when not in use. By adopting these practices, you can preserve the clarity and integrity of your sunglasses, preventing future scratches and maintaining their pristine condition.



Maintaining scratch-free sunglasses requires a combination of proactive preventive measures and adept scratch removal techniques. From the DIY solutions like toothpaste and baking soda to commercial products like PolyWatch and Brasso, the key is to tailor your approach based on the material of your sunglasses and the severity of the scratches. 

With the right strategy, you can bring back the clarity of your sunglasses, ensuring that both style and eye protection remain uncompromised. Embark on this journey to revitalize your shades, and let your eyes enjoy the world in all its unblemished glory. In the end, it’s not just about removing scratches; it’s about preserving the essence of your favorite eyewear.

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